Mesothelioma is aggressive cancer that has a high fatality rate. While treatments for mesothelioma are available, curing the disease is rarely possible. Regardless of age and the cancer stage upon diagnosis, the average life expectancy for this illness is only 15 months.
Asbestos exposure is the primary cause of mesothelioma. Although the government now regulates asbestos, it may be too late for people who have already been exposed. And while you typically won’t find asbestos in newer homes and buildings, there is still no national asbestos ban in the US.
Were you or a loved one diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related illness? If so, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the entities responsible for your exposure.
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The Indiana mesothelioma lawyers at Injury Lawyers Team, sponsored by Rosenfeld Law Offices, can help you obtain the justice you and your family deserve.
Contact our experienced mesothelioma lawyers today for a free consultation. All sensitive or confidential information our clients share with our Indianapolis lawyers will remain private under an attorney-client relationship.
Asbestos is the term for six natural minerals consisting of fibers found in the earth. These minerals are used in many applications, including construction and manufacturing, for their strength, heat resistance, and fire retardant properties, among other uses.
Before the government started phasing out asbestos and asbestos-containing products, these minerals were widely used in construction materials, textiles, and automotive parts.
This substance is dangerous because its fibers easily separate when handled or damaged. These tiny asbestos fibers are too small to see with the naked eye and are easy to inhale. When they enter the lungs, these fibers can get stuck and damage the lung tissue over time, causing mesothelioma and other diseases.
Unlike in the 1980s and earlier, most products and materials in the US today are asbestos-free. However, homes and buildings built before the 1980s may still contain asbestos products and materials, such as:
Asbestos-containing materials usually don’t cause health risks unless you damage or disturb them. If you think something in your home contains asbestos, call an inspector to check your house’s materials. If you just had remodeling done, contact an air testing contractor to test your home for asbestos that may have been released from old materials during construction.
People can be exposed to asbestos fibers at work, at home, or during disasters. The following groups have the highest risk of asbestos exposure:
Indiana workers can suffer from asbestos exposure when working with asbestos-containing materials or sharing work sites with people directly exposed to the mineral. Work-related exposures include but are not limited to the following occupations:
Asbestos-containing materials release fibers into the air when damaged. Hence, natural disasters that destroy asbestos materials or naturally occurring asbestos put the following occupations at risk:
Families of workers directly exposed to the mineral may inhale it from their family members’ hair, clothes, or skin. Additionally, domestic exposures include:
Some industrial facilities in Indiana release asbestos into the air and soil, exposing people living nearby. These facilities include:
Mesothelioma is an aggressive and incurable cancer that affects the lining that covers the outer surface of your internal organs (mesothelium). It often occurs in the lungs and is almost always caused by asbestos exposure.
It occurs primarily in the lungs but can also affect the abdomen, heart, and testicles.
Pleural mesothelioma symptoms tend to develop gradually. Most people don’t experience signs or symptoms until 20 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos.
When symptoms do show up, they may include:
Mesothelioma that occurs in the lining of the abdomen may cause:
Many confuse mesothelioma’s symptoms for other less severe illnesses due to its rarity. If you experience one or more of these signs or symptoms, seek professional medical advice immediately. The earlier you detect the disease, the better your chances of prolonging your life.
Testing for this illness may include:
These tests can help confirm mesothelioma and determine its extent.
There is no cure for mesothelioma cancer so far. Treatments typically revolve around controlling the patient’s symptoms and prolonging their life.
Possible treatments include:
In addition, a patient will likely receive treatments for individual symptoms to maximize comfort, including medication and fluid drainage (if fluid accumulates in the lungs or abdomen).
Unfortunately, the survival rate for mesothelioma tends to be low, mainly because symptoms don’t develop until decades after asbestos exposure. By the time symptoms manifest, the disease can progress rapidly.
In general:
Determining the best way to handle this illness is often challenging. If you are unsure how to proceed, our Indianapolis legal team can help you contact a patient advocate in Indiana.
Around 3,000 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma in the US yearly. The incidence rate peaked in the late 1980s and early 1990s when asbestos regulations were practically non-existent. However, people exposed to the carcinogen decades ago are still at risk of developing the disease today.
In Indiana, there were 5,790 asbestos-related deaths from 1999 to 2017, with 1,120 fatalities caused by mesothelioma. The estimated number of asbestos-related deaths is the highest in Lake County, Indiana, where Gary is found, a city known for its steel mills.
The US government has banned asbestos in new processes and placed heavy regulations on asbestos-containing products. Furthermore, the US has not mined asbestos since 2002. However, there is no total ban on this mineral, and its use continues in some industries.
On top of federal asbestos regulations, Indiana enforces its own rules for licensing and managing asbestos abatement:
Your Indiana mesothelioma lawyer will help you understand how these laws apply to your case during your initial consultation.
The following departments oversee and enforce asbestos regulations in Indiana:
Asbestos cases are often complicated. First, there is the problem of determining how and where the asbestos exposure occurred. More than that, there are several ways to pursue damages in Indiana, and deciding which way to go may be challenging.
Finally, mesothelioma is a rapidly developing form of cancer, making speedy legal action crucial.
You need an experienced Indiana mesothelioma attorney to help you:
Our Indiana mesothelioma attorneys go above and beyond to help clients obtain the justice they deserve. We will discuss the process further during your free consultation if you have more questions about how our lawyers handle each case.
Mesothelioma is challenging to diagnose due to several reasons. First, it is a rare and complex illness that many doctors never encounter. Thus, it is prone to misdiagnosis as mesothelioma symptoms are similar to other cancers or less severe diseases.
Moreover, the latency period for this illness is around 20 to 50 years. Many people forget or do not mention their history of exposure to asbestos, which would mean a doctor would likely not consider mesothelioma.
With these obstacles in mind, you must be proactive if you lived or worked on or near known asbestos sites, such as manufacturing facilities or military bases. Even if you don’t have symptoms of mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, go to your doctor for regular imaging tests to monitor lung changes.
Also, mention your history of exposure to your doctor. If your imaging tests show abnormalities that may indicate mesothelioma, your doctor will consider it a possible diagnosis.
If you need more information about this cancer, our Indianapolis mesothelioma lawyers can help you get in touch with a patient advocate.
Mesothelioma is an aggressive type of cancer. Worse, many people don’t realize they have it until it’s too late. Hence, if you discover that you have this illness, take legal action immediately.
The Indiana mesothelioma lawyers at Injury Lawyers Team have been handling mesothelioma cases for years, including wrongful death lawsuits and trust fund claims. We help clients understand the legal process of pursuing damages for this specific illness and ensure swift financial recovery given the rapid progression of mesothelioma.
Contact our Indiana mesothelioma lawyers today for a free case evaluation. All confidential or sensitive information our clients share with our legal team will remain private under an attorney-client relationship.
Our Indianapolis attorneys handle all cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t have to pay for our legal services unless we win your case.