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Head On Truck Accident Lawyer

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Head On Truck Accident Lawyer

Head On Truck Accident Lawyer

A head-on truck accident can be one of the most catastrophic accidents a person can experience. The force of two large vehicles colliding is immense and often results in serious injury or death. Those who survive a head-on truck accident may face extensive medical bills, long-term disability, and a lifetime of pain and suffering.

Did you lose a loved one in a fatal truck/car accident? The personal injury attorneys at Injury Lawyer Team, sponsored by Rosenfeld Law Offices, are legal advocates for those who have died due to accident injuries caused by another’s negligence.

Contact a personal injury lawyer at our law offices today to schedule a free consultation to discuss how to recover compensation for damages. We represent surviving family members of those killed in large truck crashes and hold the trucker, trucking company, and others responsible for the death.

Head-on Truck Accident Statistics

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), head-on collisions are the deadliest type of truck accident. In a study of truck accidents between 2003 and 2007, the FMCSA found that head-on truck collisions accounted for nearly half of all fatalities in truck collisions.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that these accidents are more likely to result in serious injury or death than other crashes because head-on collisions involve two vehicles traveling in opposite directions at high speeds.

When these vehicles collide, the impact is much greater than it would be if they traveled in the same direction.

When a head-on truck accident happens, both vehicles are usually destroyed. The passengers in the smaller car often suffer much more serious injuries than those in the larger vehicle. This is due to the difference in size and weight of the two cars.

When these accidents occur, it is important to seek legal assistance from a qualified truck accident lawyer. A lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Contact our law offices to schedule a free consultation.

Common Causes of Head-On Truck Accidents

Head-on collisions are some of the most dangerous and deadly accidents on the road. While they only account for a small percentage of car and semi-truck crashes each year, they cause a high number of fatalities.

Many factors can contribute to semi head-on truck collisions, from driver error to faulty equipment.

  • Driver distraction – A motorist or trucker driving distracted could cause a head-on collision. This type of driver error often happens when the driver is texting, talking on the phone, or even eating behind the wheel. If you are behind the wheel, staying focused on the road and avoiding distractions is important.
  • Drowsy driving – Many fatal injuries result from a truck/car accident involving driver fatigue after working long hours to meet strict deadlines.
  • Speeding – Speed is often a factor in head-on truck collisions. When a driver is speeding, he or she may not have enough time to react to an obstacle in the road. This can often lead to a head-on collision. If you are behind the wheel, make sure to always drive within the posted speed limit.
  • Road conditions – Bad weather, poor visibility, and debris in the roadway can all contribute to head-on crashes. If you encounter any of these conditions, it is important to slow down and be extra cautious.
  • Reckless driving – Sometimes, head-on collisions are caused by another driver driving recklessly. If you see a vehicle swerving in your lane, slow down and give the driver plenty of space to maneuver.
  • Fatigue – Fatigue can also be a factor in head-on crashes. If you are behind the wheel, it is important to ensure you are well rested before getting on the road.
  • Unsafe passing maneuvers – Making dangerous maneuvers in dense traffic or rural areas could put you at risk for a head-on collision. If you are on a two-lane road, it is important to only pass other vehicles when there is enough space to do so safely.
  • Incorrect lane changes or merging maneuvers – If a driver changes lanes or merges into traffic without checking first, it could cause a head-on collision. Always use your turn signal when changing lanes or merging, and check your blind spot before making any maneuvers.
  • Driving under the influence – Driving while intoxicated or on drugs is never safe.

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The Dangers of Head-On Truck Collisions 

When two vehicles collide head-on, the results can be disastrous. In a head-on truck accident, the passengers in the smaller car often suffer much more serious injuries than those in the larger vehicle due to the difference in size and weight of the two cars.

The Dangers of Head-On Collisions

Head-on collisions often occur at intersections when one driver fails to yield the right of way to oncoming cars, trucks, and motorcycles. They can also occur on two-lane roads when one driver tries to pass another vehicle and doesn’t have enough time or space to do so safely. In either case, head-on collisions are often deadly.

Swerving into another lane with oncoming traffic is particularly dangerous for truck drivers, as they cannot brake as quickly as smaller vehicles. When a truck driver swerves to avoid an obstacle in the road, they might not have time to brake before impact. This can often result in a head-on collision.

The Risks of High-Speed Head-on Collisions 

High-speed head-on collisions involving large trucks are some of the most catastrophic accidents on the road. If one or both drivers lose control, the results can lead to serious injury or death for all involved in a head-on crash.

High-speed head-on truck accidents are often the result of driver error, including speeding, distracted driving, or even driving under the influence. These choices put the oncoming vehicle at a higher risk of being involved in a head-on truck collision.

Nearly all accident victims could have prevented the crash had they driven safely within the posted speed limits.

Adverse Road Conditions

Poor visibility, adverse weather conditions, and debris in the roadway can cause significant problems that require drivers to slow down and be extra cautious. In many cases, a tractor-trailer traveling through a construction zone can easily lose control, drift into oncoming traffic, or crash.

Most high-speed head-on truck collisions are avoidable. However, if another driver was speeding or driving recklessly, there may be nothing that the motorist can do to prevent the truck crash. Survivors should call 911 and check others for catastrophic injuries to direct emergency medical technicians when they arrived at the accident scene.

Common Injuries Resulting in Fatal Truck Accidents

Head-on truck collisions often result in fatalities because of the sheer size and weight of trucks. When a truck accident occurs, the victims are often crushed or thrown from the vehicle. Trucks also have a high center of gravity, which makes them more prone to rollover accidents.

The most common injuries that lead to fatal head-on crashes include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) – the sudden impact of a head-on truck crash can cause substantial brain injuries, leading to death.
  • Crushing injuries – when a large truck collides with a smaller passenger vehicle, the smaller vehicle’s occupants can be crushed, often resulting in fatalities.
  • Spinal cord injuries – the force of a truck collision can cause serious spinal cord damage and catastrophic neck injuries, leading to paralysis or death.
  • Internal organ damage – the impact of a truck accident can cause severe internal bleeding and organ damage, both of which can be fatal.
  • Deadly burns – Truck collisions often involve fires, which can cause severe burn injuries. These injuries can lead to death.

Holding a Truck Driver and Trucking Company Responsible for a Head-on Collision

Truck drivers are on the road daily delivering goods to stores and businesses across the country. Truckers rely on large vehicles weighing up to 80,000 pounds to do their job.

Unfortunately, when these trucks are not operated safely, they can cause serious accidents that injure or kill innocent people. When a head-on collision is caused by a negligent truck driver or trucking company, victims may be able to hold them responsible for their actions in a civil lawsuit.

Filing a Civil Lawsuit

A civil lawsuit is a legal action taken by an individual or group to obtain financial compensation (damages) for losses suffered due to the negligence or wrongful act of another person or company.

To file a civil lawsuit against a truck driver and/or trucking company, you must take the following steps:

  • Consult with an attorney specializing in injury law and holding trucking companies liable. This is important as your attorney will help guide you through the process and represent your best interests throughout the litigation process.
  • Gather evidence to support your case. This may include police reports, eyewitness testimony, medical records, etc.
  • File a complaint with the court. The complaint is your “ticket” into court and must include specific information about the truck/car accident and injuries sustained.
  • Serve the defendant(s) copies of the complaint and supporting evidence. This means giving them copies of all documents filed with the court (usually done by mail).
  • Wait for a response from the defendant(s). They will likely file an “answer” to your complaint in response to the specific allegations against them.
  • Conduct “discovery.” This is the process whereby both sides exchange information and evidence used at trial.
  • Go to trial. If a settlement is not reached, your case will go to trial, where a judge or jury will decide who is liable and how much damages should be awarded.

The above is a basic overview of the civil lawsuit process. Of course, every case is different, and there may be additional steps or requirements specific to your case.

It is important to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney to discuss your legal options and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process. Contact our law offices to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

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Truck Drivers Can Seek Worker’s Compensation Benefits If Injured in A Head-On Collision While On The Job

The Workers’ Compensation Benefits Program provides funds for truck drivers injured in a head-on collision while working. The workers’ compensation system is in place to provide employees with financial assistance when they are injured or become ill due to their job.

Qualifying for benefits for a truck accident case is not automatic. The driver must prove that someone else’s negligence caused the accident.

Those at fault could include:

  • Distracted truck drivers
  • Other motorists
  • The driver’s employer (truck company)
  • Truck maker
  • Parts, brake, or tire manufacturer of the truck selling a defective produce
  • Road maintenance agencies
  • Truck mechanics
  • Road construction companies
  • Government agencies

The workers’ compensation benefits available to truck drivers injured in a head-on collision include:

  • Hospital costs and medical bills
  • Future medical expenses, including additional surgeries and therapy
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earnings
  • Temporary or permanent disability pay
  • Pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages (in some cases)

Surviving Family Members Can Receive Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Any family member who lost a loved one in a head-on crash can seek financial compensation through the Workers’ Comp program to hold other drivers, trucking companies, or others responsible for the wrongful death.

Typically, qualifying family members include the surviving spouse, child, grandchild, parent, grandparent, siblings, or others. If the decedent never named a legal representative to handle their estate, the court may appoint one.

Some of the benefits available to qualifying family members include:

  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of companionship or consortium
  • Loss of financial support
  • Pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages (in some cases)

Hire a Head-on Truck Accident Lawyer to Resolve a Personal Injury Case

Were you severely injured in a trucking accident, or did you lose a loved one through someone else’s negligence in a head-on collision? Were you driving the truck or passenger vehicle when the collision occurred?

The personal injury attorneys at Injury Lawyer Team represent injured victims harmed in head-on accidents and surviving family members whose loved ones passed away. Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation.

Our truck accident lawyers accept all cases involving semi-truck accidents on a contingency fee basis. This agreement ensures you pay no upfront fees until your head-on truck collision case has been resolved through a negotiated settlement or jury award.

All confidential or sensitive information you share with our legal team remains private through an attorney-client relationship.
